Chris Lindberg
Christwalker Ministries
Chris is a farmer and evangelist, and now pastor of a local church Christwalker Fellowship, and is the host of IT IS TIME meetings. Whether Chris is in North America, Africa, India, or anywhere else in the world, his heart burns to preach the Gospel and see lives changed by Jesus. He enjoys ministering abroad, but has a vision to see his own homeland on fire for Jesus. Chris is fully supported by his loving wife Chari, and his 4 kids. See the OUR FAMILY page for a family pic!

Steve Holmstrom
Oilfield Pulpit
Steve is a preacher and an oilfield rental company owner who has a desire to know God and see His glory and Kingdom here on this earth. His greatest passion is seeking and enjoying the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. For over 20 years Steve has enjoyed ministering to believers in local churches and conferences throughout Canada and beyond. He and his wife Cara live in Drayton Valley, and are blessed with 5 kids.

Ben Loates
Spruce Grove Community Church
Ben is a husband of 17 years, a father of 4 kids, a realtor and worshipper. Ben lives in Spruce Grove, and serves at the Spruce Grove Community Church as one of the worship leads, and has worked with his team for decades. His joy is to go to the well and pull from the living water that's new every day!